Thursday, January 24, 2008

Porcupine Hair?

A funny thing happened to me yesterday...
So, last year I decided that while I still had hair, I was going to have fun with it. I bleached it all out and became blonde... no big deal. It's grown out a little since then and looks like a highlight job.. It works, I like it, it's fun, yadda yadda.
Yesterday, I'm sitting in the Social Security office with about 50+ people, waiting to get a replacement SS card for my son and noticed an older extremely loud, mentally challenged woman in a leather biker jacket, talking across the room to the person sitting next to her. Her volume couldn't be controlled but she was nevertheless harmless. A little while later, I was sitting in one of the waiting chairs and felt "a presence".. The woman had walked up and was staring at my head. I looked up and she said in a loud, slurred, voice that could be heard a block away... "WHAT'S ON YOUR HEAD?"... I calmly looked up with a smile and she said "I WANT MY HAIR TO LOOK LIKE A PORCUPINE TOO!"... "WHO DOES YOUR HAIR?". Everyone in the room was giggling. I too couldn't stop from smiling for the rest of my wait.
It's the little things in life.

-Papa Cat.

1 comment:

Bety said...

That must have been so funny, I think you should actually spike it so it really looks like a porcupine! I also think you should bleach it again and die it red, or have a bike shop for God sakes...have fun. OH, yeah and by the way...I LOVE MY BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!