Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ok, Let's do this...

Although Winter is not even close to being over, my senses tell me that the biking season has begun. Races are already starting to kick off, the weather is super and the shop has been really busy with repairs and bike upgrades.

I just returned from a 2-day seminar for bike shop owners that has me energized and ready for an outstanding season. Most business owners would be rubbing their hands together, thinking about revenues and $$ as their busy season approaches, but instead I'm more jazzed about the races, the rides, the buzz of people coming in and getting into the sport. I was talking with someone (a non-cyclist) yesterday about riding and she commented on all the riding I had been doing and how she too was "trying to get out and get some exercise in". My reply probably stumped her when I said "I don't really exercise... I just ride, and if riding was unhealthy, I'd still do it". It caused her to pause and think about that for a second. The reality is that most people never really find a hobby that benefits their health. I was fortunate to get mesmerized by bikes at a young age and was able to stick with it throughout my life.
My point is this: I LOVE being a facilitator for "mesmerization". It's intrinsically rewarding and fulfilling as a way of life. For me, owning a bike shop is what makes me feel like a productive member of society. Yeah, it keeps food on the table, but I'd find a way eat regardless.
Keep the dirty side down and enjoy the weather while we have it!


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