Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cross-Dressed and ready to rock

I shut down my computer around 5pm yesterday, grabbed my clothes from the car, hopped into the restroom and emerged ready to rock! Despite the customers that were still in the shop, I pranced through and headed to my car with bike in hand. It was a CX training ride.

At 6pm I met up with a few of my fellow "cross-dressed", knobby-tired, friends and we hit the parkway for a warm-up. 4 of us rolled down the trail, in the dirt and on the pavement before crossing the the Guy West bridge and beginning an hour of super-fun, high intensity, knobby-tired goodness we call CX training.

We ran up stairs, across parkbenches, up levees, down levees, through gravel, around obstacles and whatever else we could find that would force us on and off the bike. IT was a blast!

With CX season drawing near, I'm focusing on shorter workouts at a higher intensity in an attempt to get my butt in shape and be ready for a successful CX race season. I just want to go out and have fun without feeling like I've moved pianos upstairs for an hour. How cool would it be to hammer the big ring for a race and not feel winded at the end. That's what I'm shooting for. That's what I call ready.

Papa Cat.

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