Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sick in the Alps...?

Sunday we did another Death Ride training. Nine of us rode Monitor Pass up and over the other side and the planned to take a break at the base of Ebbets before the next 2. Upon climbing the backside of Monitor, I started getting dizzy, lightheaded and having heart palpitations. I figured it was the heat and altitude. We reached the summit again and descended down. The dizziness got worse and to the point where I felt sick to my stomach. I had done this ride a week prior with not problems, so it baffled me a bit. A few miles later, I had to pull over and scream at the pine needles (throw up). My day was done.

The next day, back home, I woke to the same feeling of lightheadedness and a sense of something was just not right. I scored a late afternoon appt. with the Doc and had him check me out. After an EKG, I learned that I'm having PVC's (Premature Ventricular Contractions) where my heart is firing prematurely and pumping blood at an irregular rate. It explains a great deal, but I won't know why or how until after I wear a Holter monitor for a day. Doesn't sound like it's serious in my case, but at least I know it wasn't just a normal "bad day of riding".

For now, I wait to find out what's next. I hear pacemakers are fun. Maybe I can wire one into my Garmin for that extra training tool.. get that cadence DIALED! :-)

-Papa Cat

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