Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shippin' Out to Sea (Otter)

IT's the time of year, and everyone is gearing up for the pilgrimage down to the Nation's largest MTB gathering. Fun, racing, product, exhibitions, people, beer and friends. This year, we're motorhoming it so that the kids can come and we can all relax and not have to work as hard.

This week, we also learned that one of our own is shipping out to the NAVY next fall. Having been in the "NAV" myself, I'm excited for him and the adventure he's about to embark upon. It changed my life for the better and I'm sure his experience will do the same. My hat is off to you shipmate!

I'll post a full report on Sea Otter along with pics from the event next week. I might even post remotely from down there if I have time.

Prairie City #3 was tonight and it was fast! 11 minute lap times! Erin (mama cat) took a spill and lost some skin. Bummer timing since we're leaving in the morning, but she'll be ok. I'll take good care of her and lick her wounds just like any old tom cat would. :-)

To Sea Otter with us...

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