Sunday, April 6, 2008

Boggs III Finale

Boggs is over and the team is back home recovering from what I would consider a relatively huge success. We did however suffer one casualty. Joey Howard crashed at the bottom of one of the downhill fire-roads and ended up getting Medivac'd back to Sac with a broken cervical vertabra. He's going to be fine, but in a neck brace for a while.
A few of us gathered the night before the race and chilled with pizza, fire, beer and tequila for a true, grass-roots, race-prep ritual. The next morning, the rest of the Cat Pack rolled in with red and black a-blazin... ready to rock. And rock they did..

17 MC riders threw down on Boggs mountain, accumulating about 100 laps total amongst us all, some of which pulling in 9 laps in 8 hours with mileage in the 70's! We had Rhonda Figone take 1st place women's Expert, Asa Salas 2nd place Pro and Ken Mederios in 2nd place men's single-speed.

My personal experience with the race was awesome. I raced single-speed sport and pulled off 7 reasonably fast laps (one 49'er) with an extended break in the middle. No mechanicals, no crashes, a few cramps and a headache, but overall an awesome, strong finish. The hills made my bones creak a little, but somehow I kept plugging away tacking on more miles. I actually impressed myself with my ability to pick it up in the end and have some decent laps times for my last few laps. I figured that it would have probably gone the other way around.

Today, a little quad pain here and there, but feeling groovy enough to push the mower around the lawn for a while and tinker on my dirt bike for a bit today. Looking forward to PC, Napa Valley Dirt Classic and Sea Otter the week after. Boggs is truly a wonderful race and an awesome trail that begs to be ridden again and again. Each lap reminded me of the brass ring on a merry-go-round (for those that are old enough to remember those). Good times.

Boggs III pics on Flickr

Papa C.

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