Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Death Ride is on!

Found out today that I'm in for the 2008 Death Ride. The lottery names have been listed and quite a few of our Team are in as well. It should be a great year now that I'm forced into putting more mileage and hill climbing in. I feel like this might be what it takes to give me more strength for the the single speed MTB races, and provide me with an awesome goal for the year.
I don't just want to give it my "all". I want all 5 passes in a reasonable time with less pain in the end. 15,000 ft of climbing and 129 miles sounds pretty brutal, but I'll work up to it. It should be fun!

Yesterday, a friend and I did the Georgetown loop with some added climbing and it felt pretty good. Granted it was only 60 miles and 8000 ft of climbing, but we hammered it out pretty fast and were back home in under 4hrs. I could see doubling that up at some point. Gonna need some salt tabs and Sportslegs though... :-)


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